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Aileen & Tavasi
Parks & Rec Camp Week
Drew-Kent-Josh 4th of July
Drew & Dually 4th of July
Aileen in meadow
Ally and Zebow
Running through the Pasture
Lessons with Comet
Drew, Ryan and Kent in the Meadow
Park & Rec 2013 Group
Ready to Ride
Ride to CR Headquarters
Danielle and Tavasi
Ride with our friends from The Porches
Tavasi and Remington in the Pasture
Lesa, Danielle, and Hillary ride CR Summit
All Smiles 🙂
Simon Group Ride
Rodeo Clinic in the Meadow
Ron and Ben
Robin and Captain
Parks and Rec Group
Riding through the meadow
Matt and Shannon
Grooming Lesson with Kent
Kent and Aileen
Jumping around!
Joan and Benny
Kent teaches Ella how to rope!
Paul Dietz
Cattle Herding on Creek Ranch
The Boglioli’s and Kent
Athena and Comet
Ally, Kent, Haley, and Aileen
Alexi and Benny
Getting some shade and water!
Ally and Drew
Parks and Rec girls make t-shirts!
Aileen, Danielle, Hillary and Ally
Aileen & Kent Sandstedt
Olivia and Twilight
Luna and Goose
Lewis Family Ride
Cheryl and Jenese practice their turns!
Cheryl and Jenese on trail
Cheryl and Goose
Harper and Comet
Jenese and Captain
We love our CRS volunteers!
Lewis Family Ride!
Welcome to CR Summit–courtesy of our volunteer, Joan!
Harper and Comet warming up at the Cayuse Classic
Sam and Oakley Cayuse Classic 2015
Taylor and Harper Cayuse Classic 2015
Taylor and Tonto warming up at the Cayuse Classic 2015
Way to go Harper!
Sam showing off her ribbons
Taylor and Tonto did GREAT!
Olivia and Twilight killed it!
Jenness Family Ride
Jenness Family Ride
Patti, Harper, and Colton take to the trails!
Pre-trail ride lesson
Brooke and Mac running the meadow!
Welcome back, Miranda!
Harrison and Lenny
Eva and Billy Bob
Christine, Kayla, and McKenna
Parks and Rec is back!!
Cute couple out for a ride
Great day for a ride
Brooke – Equine Associate
Out on the trails!
Park & Rec Camp 2016
Maize & Tonto
Cayuse Classic @ Sidney Peak Ranch
Summer time trail ride
Summer time on the ranch
Ready for a ride!
Beautiful day out in the meadow
Jumps galore!
Perfect day for a ride
The beautiful views!
Heading out for a trail ride
Cayuse Classic @Sidney Peak Ranch
Cayuse Classic @ Sidney Peak Ranch
Cayuse Classic @ Sidney Peak Ranch
Welcome Glory & French Fry!
Remi getting ready for a trail ride
Vinny ready for a trail ride!
Goose & Vinny
Vinny & Taylor
Gymkhana Supervision
Creek Ranch – Ranch Management, Operational Supervision & Equine Facility Management